
Лекция об электронной микроскопии в науках о материалах

7 мая 2020

8 мая 2020 года в 19:00 мск. в рамках проекта по развитию дистанционного образования ФНМ МГУ состоится лекция “Modern transmission electron microscopy for materials science” всемирно известного ученого проф. Йоахима Майера (Рейнско-Вестфальский технический университет г. Ахена и Исследовательский центр г. Юлиха, Германия).

В лекции на уникальных примерах будут рассмотрены потрясающие возможности практического использования различных вариантов электронной микроскопии для анализа строения современных материалов:

“Future materials will be developed in an integrated fashion, where design, synthesis, characterization, modelling and behaviour in applications throughout their life cycles will be considered in a concerted manner. Novel functionalities of materials will have to be adaptive and materials will have to adjust their characteristics in response to external stimuli. These ambitions are providing challenges in experimental characterization, as only the recording of multiple signals in parallel can give full insight in the relevant properties. The aim of our present TEM activities is to provide quantitative materials data on the atomistic and nanometre scale that can be used for virtual materials design and to establish the digital twin.

In the present lecture, several examples from our recent work will be discussed which are related to processes which are of high societal relevance in structural materials, energy materials and functional materials.”

Joachim Mayer – Professor of the Central Facility for Electron Microscopy, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, and Director of the Ernst Ruska-Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich (Germany).

Joachim Mayer received his Ph. D. in Physics at the Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Germany. In 1988 he joined the Materials Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as a postdoctoral research associate. In 1990 he moved back to the Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Stuttgart, where he worked as a research scientist and Group Leader ‘Analytical Electron Microscopy’. In 1999 he joined RWTH Aachen University to become Professor and Head of the Central Facility for Electron Microscopy of RWTH Aachen. In 2004, he received a co-appointment as one of the two directors of the newly founded Ernst Ruska-Centre at Research Centre Juelich.

Регистрация на лекцию – ЗДЕСЬ.